Monday, October 6, 2008

Life With Kids

What do you love to do most with your kids?


The Hawk's Nest said...

Dance! We turn up the music real loud and dance all around the house. The girls looove it....and it's great exercise!!

Jensens said...

Cuddling and talking or reading. I don't get much cuddle time from Toby and since he is my only one right now when I do get it from him it's my favorite. We usually talk about things he loves or we'll just read some of his favorite books.

ANITA said...

I really like doing those fun things you can only do once a year. Like: The Maple Syrup Festival at Bradys Run and The Corn Maze at Randy's Raisings in Calcutta-OH. It's special to return year after year.

Paula said...

Anything outdoors....visiting parks, going on bike rides, hiking...we love outside!

kferr said...

My 3 1/2 year old, Emma, loves to help me in the kitchen. It is always fun when she pulls up a chair and she helps me make something. She also really loves playing games. Our favorites right now include: Pretty Pretty Princess, Hi-Ho Cherry-O!, and Memory.

My 1 1/2 year old son, Bryson, loves to wrestle and run around. After baths we all gather in Emma's room and play silly games like ring around the rosie, or just tackle daddy.