Monday, October 6, 2008


How do you celebrate Thanksgiving with your family?


Paula said...

We always go to my sister-in-law's house in North Huntington, PA. The best part is the whole family usually stays over night and then eats pie for breakfast! I love having extended family time and participating in relaxed conversations while the kids play with their cousins. Priceless!

Anonymous said...

This will be the first Thanksgiving we will be "just us" since moving up here 3 years ago. We plan on doing the big 'ole turkey meal and spending a lot of time together (hopefully playing outside some). Our kids are young, so we will probably share with them all the things we have to be thankful for. I think for my husband and I, we will set some time when the kids are sleeping to talk about how God has provided for us in the past year.

We will also be having a 1st birthday for our youngest over Thanksgiving - that will be lots of fun, especially for our 3-year old who loves cake. :)

kferr said...

Holidays are always super busy for our family because we live 15 minutes from my parents and 45 minutes from my mother in law. We split the day in half, eating at one house and just relaxing at the next. It is great for the kids, because they get to see all of their cousins, aunts, uncles, and grandparents However, it makes for a very exhausting day!